It's Peace Of Cake, Dude

07.38.00 sii kurti 2 Comments

Hola amigos!!

I’m back with something (not) excellent ,hehehe… No,this time I’ll post some pictures were taken by myself. It has been along time I fell in love with photography. Not as professional, just an amateur photographer, no more. I took the photographs by my own camera phone, sometime with pocket camera. So the objects are something around me. A daily photography, I called it. Besides, I’ve read some books and tutorials about photography, but I knew nothing. It is quite complicated for my cutie brain. Taking a picture by digital camera or professional camera are like. They two results look the same, I guess. It depends how good your instinct and creativity. One again, “You don’t take a photograph, you make it” – Ansel Adams

Denim photograph

Denim photograph

Denim photograph

Denim photograph

Jeans are everlasting, almost people have this item on their cupboard.

Denim photograph, coffee photograph

A cup of coffee, Sir?

Photos,edited & writted by Nia


2 komentar:

  1. Seems nice! 🙂

    Anyway, kalo lagi senggang boleh liat tulisan” saya yaa, baru belajar nulis nih , soo i would really appreciate ur advice !🙂

    feel free to comment ya, i’m open for discussion🙂
